AllDay is FREEware (but please do read the "Licensing Remarks" section of this brief manual). AllDay is a tiny program styled after the well-known Macintosh Desk Accessories (DAs).
However, the user can choose whether closing all windows quits the application.
Its only duty is to build a yearly calendar within a separate window. Once displayed, it is possible to thumb backward or forward through the years or to jump to a certain year via a separate dialog.
A year can be displayed in either horizontal or vertical orientation; i.e., weekdays appear either next to each other or beneath each other. Weekdays are ordered starting with either Sundays or Mondays. And the application is bilingual, running either in German or in English.
All settings are accessible through separate dialogs and will be stored along with the new user events in a preferences file in the System╒s "Preferences" folder. Since Version 4.1 the dialogs are modeless, i.e. the can be moved on the screen an can be brought to the background.
AllDay works without any pre-programmed calendar tables. It builds the chosen yearly overview at the time of clicking the mouse button and "forgets" the current one upon switching to another year.
Since version Version 3.0 AllDay shows years outside the range of the Mac½s built in clock chip. As well, the program now knows up to 30 public holidays, which can be configured through a dialog in the "Edit" menu. Chosen holidays are marked in a different color in AllDay½s yearly overview. They are shown correctly for years 1600 to 2599.
Version 4.0 for the first time introduced "user events" additional to its holiday feature. They can be used to enter user specific events like local holidays or birthdays.
User events are divided into two types of events: date and week events.
A typical date event would be a birthday, like the 21st. of April. A week event instead occurs each year at the same weekday in a certain month and a certain week, like the third Wednesday in November or the last Monday in May.
User events are marked in a different color in the yearly overview and are configured through a dialog in the "Edit" menu.
User events and holidays are listed in separate windows that can be displayed independently through the "File" menu. Each list can be scrolled and sized individually.
Colors of sundays, holidays, user events and today's date are configurable with the color picker through a dialog in the "Edit" menu.
Versin 4.1 for the first time showed a popup window with the name of a day that is marked in the yearly overview whenever the user clicks on the marked day. Since Version 4.4, this popup menu is available for any day (by clicking the respective day) and additionally contains long date, week number, number of days until the chosen day and number of days from the chosen day until the end of the year.
AllDay has been developed as a normal application following Apple's guidelines for desk accessories under System 7. Since Version 4.0 AllDay lets the user choose whether or not closing all windows quits the application.
Version 4.4 for the first time features scripting abilities by implementing Apple's "Required Event Suite" with commands "run", "open", "print" and "quit".
AllDay has been developed using Symantec Think C. Symantec Think Reference as well as "Inside Macintosh" Volumes i through VI have been used for documentation. "Inside Macintosh: Power PC System Software" has been used in addition for porting AllDay to native PPC code.
Ñ System Requirements
This version of AllDay should run on any Macintosh with an MC68020 or later CPU and System 7 or higher. It supports 32-Bit Color QuickDraw.
AllDay ppc runs on any Power Macintosh with at least PPC 601 processor.
Ñ Installation
Just copy the Folder "AllDay 4.4" to your hard disk, then double-click the AllDay icon to start the application.
For ready access, it is suggested that AllDay be placed inside the "Apple-Menu"-Folder.
If you have used an earlier version of AllDay, this version will rebuild the "Preferences" file, using default settings from the newer version.
Ñ Commercial Use & Licensing
AllDay is Freeware, though all commercial use requires a license, which you should obtain via your preferred mail system, viz.:
Ulrich Hilger
AvrillÄstrasse 5
65824 Schwalbach
*Electronic mail:
CompuServe 100116,2751
Internet 100116.2751@COMPUSERVE.COM
Please do let me know of any incompatibility you might encounter ╤ this will help me to provide maximum stability in any future version(s) of AllDay.
Ñ Version History
Version 4.4 (12/31/95)
* The holiday popup menu has been extended to show information on any selected
day. It additionally contains long date, week number, number of days until the
chosen day and number of days from the chosen day until the end of the year.
* AllDay is scriptable through AppleScript. The "Required Event Suite" (run,
open, print, quit) has been implemented.
* With AllDay ppc published in parallel, a native PPC version is available.
Version 4.3 (11/25/95)
* Repentance Day ist now displayed correctly.
* All holidays and user events are being displayed in the respective pop up menu
instead of just the first of one day's holidays and user events.
Version 4.2 (8/14/94)
* Does not crash anymore upon choice of "Show User Events" menuoption while
32 bit addressing is on
Version 4.1 (4/23/94)
* When clicked in the yearly overview a marked day's name is shown in
a popup window
* The Program now knows 30 public holidays
* Preferences folder is recognized on Systems other than US or German
* Menus that open windows are as well showing the window again when
the window is hidden behind others
* Popup-Menus in the dialog for configuration of user events meet
Apple User Interface Guidelines
* Configuration dialog are now modeless. Window positions are stored
in the preferences file
* Popup-Menus in the dialog for configuration of user events are dimmed
according to the chosen event type
* Contains default colors
* Corrects some bugs of v4.0 regarding addition of user events, window and
file management
Version 4.0 (3/6/94)
* Introduces date and week type user events
* Allows to choose a separate color for display of user events in the
yearly overview
* New preferences dialog
* Holidays and user events are displayed in independently scrollable
and sizeable windows
* User can choose whether or not the application quits upon close of
all windows
* Prints user events together with holidays
Version 3.1 (12/18/93)
* Corrects some typos in the documentation and AllDay½s "About"-Dialog and
in the documentation
* Contains a smaller holiday menu
* Allows printing through the standard print dialog
* Marks today's date
* Allows to change foreground- and background colors of sundays, holidays
and today's date
* Knows four new holidays (now 22)
* Routines that need Color-Quickdraw are called on Quickdraw-Macs only
* Needs only half of the RAM amont needed by version 3.0
Version 3.0 (11/7/93)
* Stores window positions in the "Preferences"-file as well
* Can now compute weekdays of years outside the range of the clock chip
* Knows up to 18 different public holidays
* Lists up to 18 holidays in a separate window
* Allows you to configure the holiday list through a separate dialog
* Marks chosen holidays in yearly overview
* Stores holiday settings in the "Preferences"-file
* Holiday functions are now accessible through new menu
* Version 3.0 is now Freeware
Version 2.3 (8/13/93)
* Corrects a memory management bug
* Stores current settings in a "Prefs" file within the
System½s "Preferences" folder
Version 2.1 (4/12/93)
* Sundays will be drawn in red on Macs with 32-Bit Color
Version 2.0 (4/11/93)
* Calendar window remembers its position during most recent
* New "Change" menu
* Options for browsing and "Change Year" are now contained in the
"Change" menu
* Buttons at the bottom of the screen have been removed
* Choice of horizontal or vertical orientation for weekdays is now
available through "Change" menu
* Calendar table now is completely generated offscreen and then
copied onto the screen, providing faster screen updates
* Menu-choice of Sunday or Monday as the starting day for each week
* Menu-choice of English- or German-language calendar
Version 1.3 (3/8/93)
* Corrects some major bugs of Version 1.2
Version 1.2 (2/13/93)
* Initial publication
Ñ Credits & Special Thanks
Special thanks to my wife Simone for her acceptance of my "computer liaison".
A huge "Thank you!" to Steve Maller for his help and experience on debugging AllDay version 1.3.
Thanks also to all the people who sent their comments for the sake of enhancing AllDay╔and still more thanks to those few honest folks who sent $10 in addition.